Attending a funeral requires that attendees are knowledgeable about all of the different expectations that come along with them. If you are going to be attending a funeral for your loved one in the near future, then you may be wondering about the rules surrounding cell phone usage. While there are no rules against bringing your cellphone, there are some things that you will want to keep in mind before attending. If you are looking for cremation services in Clearwater, FL then we recommend you give us a call or stop by our location to learn more about the services that we offer. We look forward to speaking with you.
If you are attending a funeral service for the first time, then you may be surprised to learn that it is recommended that you turn your cell phone completely off prior to the service. While there is no rule against bringing your cell phone to a funeral service, there are some expectations that attendees must meet. Turning your cellphone off prior to the start of a funeral service ensures that you will not be distracting other guests around you, and it also prevents the possibility of your cell phone ringing during the middle of the funeral service. Having your cellphone ring in the middle of the funeral service can be seen as a great sign of disrespect and carelessness. To remain as respectful as possible during this delicate time, we recommend that you either turn your cellphone completely off or put it on vibrate. Keep in mind, that while vibrate is better than having a ringtone enabled, there is still a possibility that it could be heard during particularly silent moments in the service.
Many parents make the mistake of using their cellphone as a tool for distraction for their young children. While this may be an effective tactic to ensure that your children remain quiet throughout, it is not recommended. We advise against this as it raises the possibility of going off during the service. Additionally, having a cell phone out during the funeral can cause a lot of distraction for attendees sitting within the vicinity. To avoid this, we recommend you bring other alternatives for a distraction other than an electronic device. We suggest opting for something like coloring books or a book to read.
While cellphone usage at a funeral is highly advised against, we understand that there are many people who use their cellphones as a coping mechanism. If you need to send messages throughout the service or would like to use an app to stay calm, then we recommend doing so outside of the service, preferably in a hallway or outside. So long as you remove yourself from the service to use your cell phone you do not risk causing any disrespect or disruption.
We hope that our tips and suggestions help you better follow common cell phone etiquette at Funeral services. Let us know which tip worked best for you. If you need cremation services in Clearwater, FL give us a call or stop by for a visit.